100 Doctors from 30 Countries. Decoding HRV Tech. Mastermind NYC, April 27
Your weekly sneak peek into the world of Longevity Docs.
Hi Longevity Docs!
At Longevity Docs, our goal is to make longevity medicine accessible to everyone. In this newsletter, I'm excited to give you an inside view of our expanding community and our endeavors to support longevity physicians worldwide.
Our community is growing: 100 Doctors from 30 Countries
This week, we’ve reached a truly inspiring milestone: our community has grown to include 100 physicians from 30 diverse countries. Every day, I am grateful to receive new inquiries, which reflect the growing enthusiasm for longevity medicine. It's truly humbling to see so many committed physicians seeking to join our supportive network, where they can deepen their knowledge, connect with peers, and advance in this emerging field.
Countries represented in our growing family include:
Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, France, Germany, India, Iran, Italy, Japan, Lebanon, Mexico, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Scotland, Singapore, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, UAE, United Kingdom, United States.
Thank you to each of you for helping democratize longevity medicine and making it accessible to more communities around the world. Your dedication is not only enhancing our community but also transforming lives globally.
We are super excited to meet all the Longevity Docs Saturday April 27 for our inaugural Mastermind
The final topics are:
🧪 Crafting a Comprehensive Longevity Assessment: From Epigenetics and Microbiome Analysis to Functional Tests and Digital Biomarkers
👩⚕️ Preventing Age-Related Conditions: Advances in Cardiac, Brain, Sexual, Hormonal, and Immunological Health Management
🏥 Challenges and Insights in Building a Longevity-Focused Practice: Comparing Brick-and-Mortar Versus Virtual Models
⭐️ Decoding the Longevity Shift - Celebrity Phenomenon or Societal Movement?
🧬 Democratizing Advanced Longevity Practices and Technology Through Academic and Research Collaboration
💊 Promising Longevity Therapies: Navigating the Crossroads of Regulatory Boundaries and Scientific Breakthroughs
🌍 Final Reflections on Democratizing Longevity Medicine: Pathways to Inclusive Progress
We're crafting a one-day experience for our members at Convene Midtown next week, featuring engaging panels, networking opportunities, and roundtable discussions—all set in the heart of Manhattan. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Stay Young!

💬 Community Spotlight
Buzz In the Chat: How longevity doctors measure HRV
In our chat, longevity doctors delved into the nuances of measuring Heart Rate Variability (HRV) using various wearables and apps. They shared personal experiences and professional insights on the reliability of HRV readings and the implications for their practices.
Doc 1: My HRR drops 30 to 40 bpm after 2 minutes but my HRV is always abysmal. Never goes above 35. Ever.
Doc 2: Me neither!! At least on oura. Better with Oura or whoop .
Doc 3: My Oura HRV is like 13. But, with a chest strap it's 65. So ... 😏
Doc 4: On Oura my HRV never > 15 😳 trust their sleep numbers but not HRV !
Doc 5: Data shows their sleep scores especially stages aren’t accurate either
Doc 4: I have Whoop, Oura, Biostrap, Emfit and Elite HRV and they don't jive.
Doc 5: Oura is great for trends. You can certainly see things that impact sleep and hrv!!
Doc 6: Biostrap new version is significantly upgrade buy for consistent reliable readings can't beat Polar chest strap and Elite HRV.
Doc 7: since everyone I know that is smart (super smart) has a VERY low HRV with oura, I like to pretend that it is a marker of genius. No one buys it! 🤣
Doc 7: Don’t forget oura, whoop etc measure overnight average at a sample rate of their choice. Elite HRV is a morning measure. They’re measuring different states. Trend is ultimately more important as we’ve all acknowledged
Doc 8: Validation wise HRV4training has some of the best if not the best data and only uses phone camera
Doc 9: Ha! I love this conversation. My HRV on Oura is never above 25. So depressing. But now I realize it’s just my genius getting reflected! I feel so much better! Just started Nurosym, so we’ll see if it budges.
Doc 10: Yes. But data is more reliable. Biostrap was most accurate when. I did PM and AM Elite HRV
Doc 11: How do u know they’re wrong (sleep stages)? They’re the only ones who have actually validated their data to PSG. I compare to apple, polar, and various phone apps and they all give diff results. But I still believe oura over any of the others.
Doc 12: There are numerous studies that say their sleep stage data is not accurate. Just the sleep duration and lability are somewhat accurate. This goes for all wearables. You need much better equipment to measure sleep stages accurately
Doc 13: I came to the same conclusion, I think the trends are interesting but the absolute values are not accurate
🩺 Publications
The abundance of bifidobacterium in relation to visceral obesity and serum uric acid
Gut microbiome has been shown to play a role in the development of obesity in recent studies. Serum Uric Acis may be a mediating factor between decreased Bifidobacterium and increased Visceral Adipose Tissue.
Nature - Recommended by Dr. Catherine Johnson
Accuracy of respiratory gas variables, substrate, and energy use from 15 CPET systems during simulated and human exercise
We evaluate the accuracy of 15 popular cardiopulmonary exercise testing CPET systems to assess respiratory variables, substrate use, and energy expenditure during simulated exercise.
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports - Recommended by Dr. David Lipman
A Systematic Review on Heart-Rate Recovery to Monitor Changes in Training Status in Athletes
HRR has the potential to become a valuable tool to monitor changes in training status in athletes and less well-trained subjects.
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance - Recommended by Dr. Guenole Addor
Obicetrapib: Reversing the Tide of CETP Inhibitor Disappointments
This paper reviews the history of cardiovascular outcomes trials of cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) inhibitors and to describe obicetrapib, a next-generation, oral, once-daily, low-dose CETP inhibitor in late-stage development for dyslipidemia and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD).
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance - Recommended by Dr. Ronald Primas
Dr Lipid Cardiovascular Evaluation Treatment Algorithm
Dr. Thomas Dayspring
🌐 News
Equinox Partners with Function Health to Bring Comprehensive Lab Testing to the Forefront of High-Performance Living
Wellness Residences are one of real estate's hottest commodities. Shall we all just move to the spa?
🗓️ Events & conferences
👉 Longevity Docs Mastermind: New York City - April 27
Longevity Med Summit: May 8-9, 2024
Rejuvenation Startup Summit: Berlin - May 10-11
Global Wellness Real Estate & Communities Symposium: NYC - May 14
NextMed Health: San Diego - Dec 10-13
About Longevity Docs
Longevity Docs is a highly-vetted membership network dedicated to physicians pioneering precision and evidence-based practices in longevity medicine.